Summer holiday 2025 courses

A wide shot of a group rehearsal

Summer holiday 2025 courses

Join GAM's team of music tutors for Grade 5 Theory, Junior Orchestra and Piano courses this summer.
Two men playing brass instruments

About Summer holiday 2025 courses

Book Piano Course

All courses will take place at Barbican House, Barbican Road, Gloucester, GL1 2JF

Piano Course 2025: Dates TBC


Led by experienced GAM piano tutors Chris Guild and Marcel Zidani, this new course is for pianists aged 9-18 who are Initial Grade up to Grade 3 standard.
Each day will include individual lessons and student duos taught by Marcel or Chris, ensemble rehearsals and performance platforms. The course will finish with a concert for family and friends. Course runs from 8.45am (Registration) through to 5.00pm each day.
Find out more and book your place here.

Grade 5 Theory Course 2025: dates TBC

An intensive course for students wanting to take their music theory exam. Experienced tutors offer a musical and practical approach that develops a deeper understanding of music theory in preparation for a Grade 5 exam.

Students of around grade 3 theory standard usually reach grade 5 level by the end of the week. Pass rates of close to 100%.  Course runs from 8.45am (Registration) through to 5.00pm each day.

Booking form is at the bottom of this page.

Junior Orchestra Course 2025: Dates TBC

Come and play together under the baton of our Principal, Glyn Oxley. The course includes full orchestra, chamber music and rhythm and singing games, finishing with a final performance for family and friends. For players grade 1-4 on all orchestral instruments.

Course runs from 8.45am (Registration) through to 4.00pm each day.

Booking form is at the bottom of this page.

Book Orchestra and Theory