Easter 2025 courses

A wide shot of a group rehearsal

Easter Courses 2025

Junior Orchestra Course: Dates TBC

Adult Chamber Weekend: Dates TBC

A group of children at a music course

Booking opening soon for Easter Courses 2025

Dates will be announced and booking will open soon for our two Easter courses: the Junior Orchestra Course and the Adult Chamber Weekend.


This course is designed for strings, brass, wind and percussion players aged 5-18, playing at Grades 1-5. Directed by GAM Principal Glyn Oxley, and supported by some of the GAM tutors, it's a great opportunity to learn and perform with other young players.

The Junior Orchestra Course will take place at GAM's base; Barbican House in Gloucester and will run from 8.45am -5pm each day, except the final day when the children will perform a concert for family and friends at 4pm.

Each day will be divided into different sessions, including full orchestra playing, sectional playing and chamber music as well as lunch-time craft and activity sessions.

You can book a place using the button at the bottom of the page.


This course will run from Friday 5 April evening to Sunday 7 April afternoon at  GAM's base, Barbican House in Gloucester. It will culminate in an informal concert.

Designed for adult strings, wind and brass players of Grade 5 and above, the course will be directed by GAM Principal Glyn Oxley.

The repertoire for the weekend will be curated according to the range of instrumentalists participating, so will be shared at a later date.

The cost includes a buffet supper on the Friday, a restaurant lunch on Saturday and Sunday, and coffee/tea and cake on Saturday and Sunday.

Feedback from previous courses: 

"Good range of music styles and different ensembles."

"Tutors were excellent, helpful and fun."

"Good buffet food on the Friday evening. Good food at Bill's, and very organised to cater efficiently for a large group of us (who were in a hurry to get back to our music!)"

You can book a place using the button below.

Click here to Book your place!
Click here to Book your place!