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Fri 26 Jul 2024

Arts award first for Xanthi

Talented young cellist Xanthi Brett-Crowther is one of the very first recipients of a new Arts Award for Young Performing Artists sponsored by the Honourable Company of Gloucestershire.

The 12-year-old Gloucestershire Academy of Music student was over the moon when she was presented with a cello, paid for by the £1,000 award, at the academy’s end-of-term concert. Presenting the instrument was Warden of the Company Julie Kent MBE.

“It’s really cool,” said the Ribston Hall School pupil, “and it could mean I’ll be looking at a career in music like my aunt who’s an opera singer.” Xanthi immediately played the instrument for the concert’s finale under the watchful eye of Academy Principal Glyn Oxley, who is her tutor.  

Julie Kent expressed her delight that the Honourable Company had expanded its remit to include young performing artists for financial help.

“We are very excited to be able to support young musicians, actors and actresses with this new award and talented Xanthi is a very worthy recipient,” she said. “This is currently a pilot scheme run by our Arts and Heritage Group. We have approached other arts organisations in the county and asked them to identify and nominate a young person.”

Xanthi’s mum, who watched the presentation with her other two children, said: “We are most grateful for this award – it will give Xanthi the impetus to excel at her music.” Xanthi has been a student at the Academy for several years and is studying for her Grade 4 exam.

Photos by Rob Lacey:

Top: Xanthi with the Warden of the Honourable Company of Gloucestershire, Julie Kent MBE.

Bottom left: Xanthi with Councillor Caroline Courtney, GAM Executive Director Richard Ashton-Phillips, Principal Glyn Oxley and Warden of the Honourable Company of Gloucestershire, Julie Kent MBE.

Bottom right: Xanthi with GAM Executive Director Richard Ashton-Phillips and Principal Glyn Oxley.